School of Humanities, Creative Industries & Social Sciences

Northumberland House

Northumberland House is located on the corner of King Street and Auckland Street. The downstairs floor contains the art gallery Watt Space. Upstairs contains rehearsal and performance spaces.


Opening Hours

Open Access

Day Opening Hours
Monday to Friday 8am – 6pm
Saturday & Sunday Secure Access Only
Public Holidays Closed
Uni ID is required by University Security for identification during Open Access Hours

Secure Access

Day Opening Hours
Monday to Friday 7am – 8am & 6pm – 10pm
Saturday & Sunday 8am – 10pm
Public Holidays Closed
*Secure Access can be acquired from completion of the General Induction and the City Performance & Rehearsal Studios Induction

Please note that most areas are key and card access restricted and are subject to the availability of the technical staff.  

Navigating Northumberland House

The building code for Northumberland House is NH. Rooms are labelled according to their building code, level and room number. For instance, NH101 is Northumberland House, Level 1, Room 101.

If you need help finding a room, ask the friendly staff or a helpful app is MazeMap.

Technical Staff Availability
Day Available Hours
Monday to Friday 9am – 5pm
Saturday & Sunday Closed
Public Holidays Closed

Technical Staff Office Location: 

UNHG03 & UNHG04 – University House, Ground Floor, Room G03 & G04

CON111 – The Conservatorium, First Floor, Room 111

Required Inductions for Room Access

Successful completion of the General Induction is required before the access of additional inductions is granted.

Type of Room Rooms Available Induction Required
Performance & Rehearsal Spaces NH102 – 106 Level 1 Performance Spaces NH Induction or Level 1 Rehearsal Studios CON/NH Induction
Watt Space Gallery NHG03-06, NHG14-15
City Campus Map
Equipment & Room Bookings

Room & equipment bookings are made through the Booking Point systems:

Evacuation Point

The emergency evacuation meeting point for Northumberland House is at Civic Park.

Northumberland House Evacuation Point: Civic Park


Needing our Help?

The fastest way to get in contact with our technical team is to log a technical ticket. We will get back to you as soon as we can!